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"'Battle Cries' is achingly vulnerable and magnificently raw."- ATWOOD MAGAZINE pr

A huge thanks goes out to Mitch Mosk and his review/ debut of my song "Battle Cries", for ATWOOD MAGAZINE. The article is a beautiful take on the spirit of the song and reflects my reasons for writing it.

Here's how the song came to be:

I was at my producer Jason Hill's hilltop Laurel Canyon Studio, called Ulysees, and we had finished all of the songs on the ep EXCEPT Battle Cries...

I'd recorded an earlier version with the wonderfully talented Darren Robinson (Phantom Planet), but it just didn't fit with this collection of songs, which had turned into a modern love-story narrative. That version made its way into a romantic Indie film called THE WEDDING INVITATION, where it lives on (see earlier "Adventures" post).

I'd resisted playing any instrument on the record, as I've learned to let the pros do their thing, but Jason had other ideas... he asked that I just sit down and play the song. This was the first time I recorded vocals and instruments simultaneously, and after a few passes, somewhere around midnight, we decided on the version you hear here. This is one take. It's imperfect. Like most of us... Jason added strings, much like the dark orchestration he was composing for David Fincher (MIND HUNTER) during our recording time-line, and the song was complete.

Please click on the photo and read the article/ hear the song for yourself. I'm going to attach the link to download/ purchase when the song becomes available online later in the week.

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